OPTathlon 2.0 - Chicago - 2012
Event 1:
Clean and Overhead in 10 min
- pick up weight, rack it on shoulders, then overhead anyhow
- as many attempts as needed in the 10 min
- once racked, as many attempts as needed to get overhead will be allowed - i.e. power clean x 1, split jerk x 3 attempts is allowed
- athlete MUST show control overhead at judges discretion per rep

225xf, 225x1, 240x1, 255xf, 255xf - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_yeLjGIt0Q

Event 2:
Standing Triple Jump
- The first phase is a hop from a stand still, which requires the athlete to take-off from a two-footed stand, split in mid air, and land on the preferred foot. The next phase is a long stretched step, landing on the opposite foot. The last phase is the jump, where the athlete lands on both feet: Allowed 3 attempts
- MUST stick 2-foot landing in order for it to count - i.e. both feet planted, meausre it taken from back of heel of foot furthest back
- feet sliding upon final land is considered a failed attempt
- falling forward is fine as long as feet remain in place for measure - i.e. tipping forward once landed
- falling backward will result in a measure taken from the point of your body furthest back towards take off area
- falling to the side is the same result as long as feet are solidly placed on ground for measure - i.e. no sand pit landing
Scoring:  Furthest distance in feet + inches achieved in best of the 3 attempts

best jump at 668cm

Event 3:
Row Repeats
- 500 m row, rest 90 sec, 500 m row
- athlete MUST remain on rower for 90 sec rest period with oar/handle placed in rack and feet strapped in foot buckles
Scoring  Concept 2 weight adjustment formula - total time for 1K
1st - 1:36
2nd - 1:40
last year
1st -1:36
2nd - 1:46

Event 4:
For time: 1K Row, 50 thrusters - 45#, 30 chin ups
- hip crease below knee cap in thrsuters and full extension of hips at top
- arms locked out overhead completely at top of each rep
- athlete must squat on 1st rep of every thruster before going overhead
- chin above height of chin up bar
Scoring:  Total time for entire workout completed within 10 min time cap
5:54 (pr) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9e4w3hYGxo
previous pr @6:06

Event 5:
Overhead Shot Put Toss
- reverse overhead shot put toss - 16# men, 8# women
- stand backwards on line, 3 attempts to reverse throw toss overhead for distance in feet + inches
- feet cannot be moved/shuffled until ball is released and athlete cannot fall backwards over line; this is considered a failed attempt
Scoring:  Furthest distance in feet + inches achieved in best of the 3 attempts
best toss @ 7.5m

Event 6:
3000 m run
- runners start the race from a standing position along a curved starting line
Scoring:  Total time for 7.5 laps of 400 m track

12:46 - started cramping at lap 2
last year 3k @ 11:36

last year results - http://opt-mizar.blogspot.ca/2011/10/109-optathlon-testing-1-clean-and.html

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